The following list contains important background readings on digital technologies, inclusion and digital inclusion. Have a look at the various resources if you want to deepen your understanding around these issues.
Inclusion is a complex and often ill-defined concept. These resources unpack the concept, discuss important challenges, and spell out a strategic approach to inclusion:
- Department of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs (2017), Guidance on Gender and Inclusive Mediation Strategies
- Landau, Dana and Andreas Hirblinger (2020), “Strategies of Inclusion in Peacemaking: Beyond Box-ticking and Photo Opportunities?”, February 5, 2020, Security Dialogue Blog.
- Hirblinger, Andreas and Dana Landau (2020), “Daring to differ? Strategies of inclusion in peacemaking”, Security Dialogue.
- Council on Foreign Relations (2020). “Women’s Participation in Peace Processes”.
- Paffenholz, Thania. (2014) “Civil Society and Peace Negotiations: Beyond the Inclusion-Exclusion Dichotomy.” Negotiation Journal Vol. 30, no.1, pp. 69-9
This online course references the outputs of the “Designing Digital Inclusion in Peacemaking” Project, conducted at the Graduate Institute Geneva in 2020. Have a look at these resources, to learn more about the project and the findings:
- Hirblinger, Andreas (2020). “Designing Digital Inclusion in Peacemaking: Summary of Findings”, Geneva: Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies.
- Hirblinger, Andreas (2020). “Digital Inclusion in Mediated Peace Processes”, Washington DC: United States Institute of Peace (USIP).
The use of digital technologies has increasingly been a topic for mediators and their teams. The following publications shed particular light on how digital technologies can foster participation and inclusion in peace process:
- UNDPPA and HD Centre (2019), “Digital Technologies and Mediation in Armed Conflict”, particularly the Chapter on Inclusivity (pp. 23-27).
- Joëlle, Jenny et al. (2018), “Peacemaking and New Technologies: Dilemmas and Options for Mediators”, Mediation Practice Series. Geneva: Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, particularly Chapter 3.
- Policy Brief by the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders and ICT4Peace Foundation (2021), Women, Peace, and Security and Human Rights in the Digital Age: Opportunities and risks to advance women’ meaningful participation and protect their rights
Social media often plays a major role in digital inclusion activities. The pros and cons of social media are discussed here:
- David Lanz; Enrico Formica, Camino Kavanagh and Ahmed Eleiba (2021), “Social Media in Peace Mediation: A Practical Framework”, 6/2021. DPPA and Swisspeace