Dr. Hein Paing Htoo Chit is an educator, peacebuilder, and social entrepreneur. He graduated from the University of Medicine Magway and traveled to serve in conflict-affected areas across Myanmar until late 2015. In 2016, Dr. Hein founded SEED for Myanmar as a community library, which was later developed into a social impact organization. Today, SEED for Myanmar has trained over two thousand people in soft skills, leadership, and social entrepreneurship. His mission is to help youth become active citizens, responsible leaders, and social entrepreneurs so that they can participate in decision-making to create a more peaceful and sustainable future. In addition to his role as executive director at SEED for Myanmar, Dr. Hein works as a freelance consultant focusing on peacebuilding and socioeconomic development. He also served as the President of the US Ambassador’s Youth Council for 2019-2020, Mentor for Professional Fellowship Program (Fall, 2022) for Youth Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative as well as Myanmar Youth Country Liaison of Generation Change Fellowship Program of United States Institute of Peace for 2022.